Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aubrie and Nathan

Nathan and Aubrie are getting married on Cinco de Mayo in 2012 (May 5th) at Val Vista Lakes. Aubrie asked if I had ever shot at Scottsdale Civic Center, and I giggled 'Lots of times!' We met up there on September 10th at sunrise to have cooler weather which worked as planned. We had beautiful light and they had fun in front of the camera. I tried some new ideas with poses, backgrounds, computer enhancing. I think I am on to something-- these are hot, right!!?

I LOVE it when the sun backlights the leaves...colors are light autumn that way, which in the valley is amazingly rare!

I can't decide if I like the color or the chocolate version of this next image. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Engaged, Erica & Jason

This past Saturday afternoon, I shot Erica & Jason's engagement photos. They came in from California for me to do so. They are such a good looking couple, and so nice too. Looking forward to their wedding in February! Had such a great time with them that day!

She Said Yes!

Dan and Virginia are just recently engaged! So here is their story... Dan emailed me months ago to inquire about shooting a proposal down in Puerto Penasco, Mexico, a.k.a Rocky Point. We met up on the sly at Starbuck's and began the planning. Virginia thought that they were going on a get away just because they needed avacation. At 5pm I was to be on the beach in front of their hotel on the lookout. He would bring her out to see the ocean for the first time (theyhad just arrived hours before) between 5:15 pm and 6 pm. I was so busy keeping an eye out for them, I didn't even see what time they actually arrived. I just played 'tourist' and was shooting everything and everyone while peeking at them out of the corner of my eye. When he started holding her hands, we started shooting. Oh, forgot to mention, my husband helped second shoot as well (THANK YOU honey!) After she said 'Yes!' I gave them a few minutes and then we went out to shoot some portraits (might be used as engagement portraits.) My family and I got to be down there for 2 nights, 3 days. We love the temperatures there, the air and the ocean water are warm yet refreshing. Rocky Point rocked as always! Thank you so much Dan for the trip-- you were both so nice to work with!

I created this in the sand right before we had to be there for the proposal...

Dan taking Virginia's photo with the great ocean view behind her.

Getting romantic.

Dan plops down on one knee...

Virginia is so shocked, surprised, and excited!

This next one is my favorite of the two of them.