Thursday, April 12, 2012

Photography Tips, free!

Don't forget-- for all kinds of photography tips, check out my Facebook page at .  Articles about mandatory croplines on prints, filters for lenses, how to shoot indoor flash photography, and much more!  Make sure to click on Like on the top of the page while you are there, and the photography tips will post to your FB (daily or every other day.)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Miss B

These are Miss B's senior pics.  We went out a week ago and had fun at Park West Shopping Center.  We started out just after sunrise.  She will be off to college soon to study aeronautical engineering.  Yep, she is super smart and also a cutie!  She was a great model too- she changed expressions and poses quickly when asked- that makes for an easier and faster shoot which means better pictures!  So here are the hightlights from her senior session.

 On the following three, my bracket was causing funky shadows on the wall.  The sunlight was coming from behind me, aimed at Miss B.  I thought the funky shadows were cool, so I kept angled so that I continued to create the art on the wall.

 The next two are my favorites from the shoot. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ronica and Breyon bling it up!

Ronica & Breyon were married March 25th 2012.  The setting was the beautiful Desert Ridge Marriott.  If I had to describe their wedding in one word, I would have to say glamorous.  Her dress was classy and full of bling as well.  I fell in love with her dress while shooting it hanging, and then again when I saw Ronica's amazing slender curvy figure in it.  I had over 1300 images from this wedding to edit and that doesn't include my apprentice's which I have yet to go through.  The main request from Ronica and her mom was 'fun' photos.  That is one of my favorite things to do, so I did what I do!  Fun wedding.  Well put together by Debra (MOB).  Congrats to Ronica and Breyon!

This was when they first saw Ronica in her dress-- she didn't let anyone see her dress (even on the hanger) until the last minute.  They were in awe (as I was!)

 Make sure you click on some of these, especially this one, to see it enlarged.

When I said "Show me DIVA" their inner diva's came out to match how they looked, FABULOUS!

 Liked this one in sepia (above) and in color... couldn't decide a preference.

 Someone suggested I put them in the middle of the bridge because the bridge was so neat.  Rule of 3rds doesn't agree and neither do I-- this following photo is so perfect.
 Probably my favorite shot of the day.  This is my creative juices at work.  Cool couch, cool positioning, and they loved sitting for a few minutes!  Brides and grooms don't get much down time...

 Ambiance was so pretty and inviting at the reception.  Candles, crystals, and special effect lighting in just the right places.  Beautiful!

Groomsmen are always giving me something interesting and different to shoot!
Utensil fight!

 They got down during their first dance-- yep during their first dance.  Very entertaining for the guests, and for me too!  I love it when the first dance is choreographed and/or planned!
 Debra and Ron, bride's parents, getting down in the soul train line up!