Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I had a newborn session with Cole and his parents, Amanda & Michael, this past Sunday. Cole is just over a week old in these photos. Amanda and Michael were in the wedding party at my last Rocky Point wedding. 'Mr. Cole' wasn't much in to doing portraits. His mind was on lunch through most of our shoot, and he had already had lunch! He has a great appetite! Here he is with all his baseball paraphernalia. Such a cutie!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Why do professionals charge what they do?"

"A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the front door, the host said 'I love your pictures- they're wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.' He said nothing until dinner was finished, then: 'That was a wonderful dinner; you must have a terrific stove." -Sam Haskins-
Many people call themselves 'professional' wedding photographers. This is my definition of a professional wedding photographer:

A professional wedding photographer is one that has vast experience in wedding photography; that knows how to shoot with all manual settings on their camera (and does so most of the time); someone that has taken wedding photography seminars and classes in the past as well as continually strives to learn more skills, styles, techniques, tricks; someone that has a natural artistic talent combined with technical abilities; someone that loves shooting brides so much, they would do it for free if they could afford to; someone that has lots of back up equipment, tax licenses, and business insurance; and finally someone that you can check references for (past clients AND vendors).

All of these things cost a ton of time and/or money to attain and maintain. So if you find a photographer that will shoot your wedding for a lot less than many other photographers, just remember the list above. You will be giving up some if not most of those qualities listed!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kt & Alonso

This shoot was by request of my daughter. She wanted photos with her boyfriend. They both love their high school, so I figured that was a great place to start. We did this back on July 22nd early in the morning. July afternoons are too hot and muggy, so we began at 6am (which is amazing for teenagers!) So here are Kt and Alonso; aren't they the cutest sophomore couple?

This next one was a test shot that ended up being one of my favorites of the morning. It shows my daughter's true sass. I mean that in a good way, Kt!

Kt thought I was testing the light still. I love the shots like this that are natural and not posed for the camera.

"We love your spirit, but we have got more.
We are the Class of Twenty- One - Four"

I love shooting high school student portraits-- they are so full of energy and confidence. I especially like doing high school senior portrait sessions.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Website Remodel...

I have begun the needed remodel of my website in the last week. My eyes are beat! It isn't done, but the wedding section along with company info are done. Check it out at It is fun and full of bright colors!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Album Design for Rachel and Jonty

Here is the link to view the album design for Rachel and Jonty. Just finished it a couple days ago. A wedding album is so important for each wedding, each couple. It has the highlights of the wedding, the story of their day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Panoramic Bliss

This is my sample panoramic flush album. I love the style and the quality, which is from Forbeyon. It is such a great way to showcase your wedding day. They measure 19" x 7.5" closed, 19" x 15" open. Forbeyon has tons of different metal cameos, leathers, fabrics. Here it is, inside and out!