Monday, May 23, 2011

Dana & Graeme

Dana and Graeme were married on May 1st, a couple weeks ago. It was a small intimate wedding, which is always so nice since the couple can truly mingle with everyone there. It was at the Sheraton Crescent in Phoenix, where I have found service is always great. Here is a sneak peek for Dana and Graeme. I am finishing the hundreds and hundreds more in the next couple days, but didn't want them to wait any longer to see some of the highlight images. Enjoy!

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Bryan and Estella

This is one where I was second shooter, for Leanna again. This was at Bella Giardino in the north valley. As usual we had a good time shooting together. These are some of my shots that day...

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It is all about the ringbearer, isn't it?

LOVED her bouquet-- trendy and unique.

Leanna and I were digging the desserts, yummm!!

My favorite shot of the day...this next one!

They wanted to do a fun and/or funny shot.
So I set up this begging and pleading shot.

Fun fun reception!

Groom, Leanna, and the bride...

toasting together...

and bonsaaaaaiii!!

The garter ended up in the rafters!

They were so hot together on the dance floor!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Taylor rocks!

This was a last minute senior shoot that I did on May 15th. We went to Park West shopping center and had all kinds of fun. Taylor rocked this shoot-- some of the poses I suggested, but many she fell into naturally. She has incredibile eyes. And can this girl jump! Taylor is graduating this week from Kellis H.S. Congratulations Taylor!

Click on an image to enlarge it...